May 28, 2019
If you’re looking through this and thinking “ I don’t know if I can do this”. I was there. I was you. I was recently post partum and had extra weight on me. my body felt so different. It was felt foreign to me. the stretch marks, my c-section scar, it all was not what I wanted to show off right now. but I was getting married and I wanted to do it for my fiancé. what I did not know is how it would make me feel. granted, some of them I hated. Not because of the photographer’s skills but of how I viewed myself. but honestly, during my viewing session, I felt amazed. it was me I could see my features, I knew my smile, but it was…different. it was like I was seeing myself in a whole new light. the light my fiancé kept telling me he saw me in. the light I finally was able to see myself. it was in that moment I realized, I didn’t do this for him. I did it for me. for some this may be just a photoshoot. for me, this was so much more. it gave me my power back. I now look at my body without shame but with pride. pride because this body gave life to 3 beautiful lives. pride because as a woman, it goes through a rollercoaster of hormones every month and still gets shit done. pride because i got to see what not every person sees…myself.
so if you’re on the fence on getting you’re on session, take it from me. do the photoshoot. buy all the pictures. celebrate you, as you are right now, and make no apologies for it. you future self will thank you.